2011년 12월 27일 화요일

RC BOAT FISHING 2011.12.27

from: www.askafishingboat.com

새 페이지 1

Weather : Sunny (warmer than yesterday)

Place : AnMyun Island SungUn No.2



Went out in the afternoon to do fishing with my ASKA FISHING BOAT 3. It's
freezing cold and only some points got melt.



Ready to do fishing~



lots of worms on the tips..



3 birds are flying around like before,,,

Whenever I came here I met them


 It was cold even there was no wind.


 water got freezed again



Birds were flying while I did fishing.






They must be a family.




There were lotuses too.


We can see beautiful lotus flowers in Summer.



Fishing area



Since the water was very shallow and noisy envirnment from nearby
construction, we did not have a good chance to catch any fishes.





while I turned my boat, it almost went near to landing on the ice. ^ ^




Way back home .


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